# telegraf-fritzbox - Simple Fritz!Box statistics for your Grafana ## Requirements * [FritzBoxShell](https://github.com/jhubig/FritzBoxShell) * telegraf on a system which is in the same network as your Fritz!Box * InfluxDB reachable by telegraf * Grafana connected to InfluxDB * fish shell ## Setup * Download `telegraf_fritzbox`, put it somewhere on your system, change the variable `fbshell` and test if the script works by executing it * Verify that you've set proper permissions and user (e.g. `-rwx------ 1 telegraf root 2125 Jun 3 22:59 /usr/local/bin/telegraf_fritzbox*`) * Place `fritzbox.conf` into your telegraf config dir, e.g. `/etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/fritzbox.conf` and adjust the path to `telegraf_fritzbox` * Test the configuration by executing something like `telegraf -test --config /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/fritzbox.conf` * Restart telegraf * Import `grafana_dashboard.json` into your Grafana instance * Enjoy! ## Example Screenshot ![example grafana dashboard data fritzbox](grafana_fritzbox_dashboard_preview.png)