+++ title = "impress" description = "impress for ullmann.space" date = "2021-06-18" author = "Rico Ullmann" +++ # impress / contact information ullmann.space is my personal page. It does not expose a blog or other editorial content.
mail.ullmann.space is my personal mail server. It does not provide mail or other services to paying individuals/organisations. It may be used as a mail server for friends. Deutsche Telekom requires ["a website providing full contact details"](https://postmaster.t-online.de/index.en.html#t4.1) to accept emails from mail.ullmann.space. So here we go: Rico Ullmann
Hasengartenstraße 9A
65189 Wiesbaden
Germany Abuse address: abuse@ullmann.space
Phone: +49 611 98859495